HerStory: Susan Corbett of The National Digital Equity Center

VT Zoom Meeting VT

HerStory: Susan Corbett, Director and Founder of The National Digital Equity Center  Join us hear Susan’s tell her story from Entrepreneur/founder to community leader and champion of broadband in rural Maine. Susan’s Bio: Ms. Corbett is a preeminent authority and advocate for digital equity and...


Webinar: Angel Investing From All Sides: An Angel Investor/Board Member, an Impact Investor and an Entrepreneur Discuss the Journey of Building an Unruly Business Together

NH Zoom Meeting , United States

Missed it? Watch the recording HERE! Angel Investing From All Sides: An Angel Investor/Board Member, an Impact Investor and an Entrepreneur Discuss the Journey of Building an Unruly Business Together Date/Time: Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 12-1:30PM  Join us to hear panelists Bryanne Leeming, Founder &...


Angel Investing with Minnow Ventures

VT Zoom Meeting VT

Minnow Ventures is a group of angel investors that invest in Vermont companies. They aggregate early-stage Vermont deal flow in one place, simplifying the investment process for founders while investing in the long-term success of the Vermont startup ecosystem. For more info on how we work, read...


VT WIN HerStory: Tammy Newmark, CEO EcoEnterprises Fund

VT Zoom Meeting VT

Tammy E. Newmark has been a leader in impact investing for thirty years. She serves as CEO and Managing Partner of EcoEnterprises Fund, a pioneer in investing growth capital in nature-positive companies that drive social justice and protect the Earth’s biodiversity. She has led EcoEnterprises Fund from its...


VT WIN HerStory: Esther Park, CEO, Cienega Capital

VT Zoom Meeting VT

Esther Park is the CEO of Cienega Capital, a regenerative investment firm utilizing an integrated capital approach to systemic change in the areas of soil health, regenerative agriculture, and local food systems.  Cienega Capital is also part of the #NoRegrets Initiative, a regenerative asset strategy focused on the...


NNE WIN Holiday Meeting

VT Zoom Meeting VT

Our 2nd Annual Zoom Holiday Meeting Agenda: Discussion:  Lessons learned in 2021 2021 Her Story recap, actions we've all taken, feedback & ideas for 2022 Bring a beverage or food item of your choice made by a woman owned company (preferably from your state) and...


VT WIN HerStory: Julia Pimsleur, founder Million Dollar Women Community

VT Zoom Meeting VT

Julia Pimsleur is a scaling coach, mindset expert, speaker and best-selling author. She is founder of Million Dollar Women Community, a New York City-based online membership community helping one million women get to $1M in revenues. Million Dollar Women has helped thousands of women entrepreneurs...


HerStory: Dana Bezerra of F.B. Heron Foundation

VT Zoom Meeting VT

VT WIN HerStory:  Dana Bezerra Tuesday, March 22, 2022 4:30pm to 6:00pm Dana Bezerra, President of the F.B. Heron Foundation, will join us to tell her personal story of how she came to her life’s work in philanthropy and investing!  Dana Bezerra began her career in...


The Impact NH Fund Journey – Women, Angel & Impact Investing in NH

NH Zoom Meeting , United States

The Impact NH Fund Journey – Women, Angel & Impact Investing in NH Date/Time: Tuesday, April 12, 12-1:15PM Join us to hear the journey of the Impact NH Fund (INHF), New Hampshire's first impact/Angel fund targeting women entrepreneurs and investors from Co-Founder Pamela Diamantis. Hatched...
