- Welcome from WIN + ground rules (5 min)
- Her Story (Entrepreneur): Dawn Lancaster, Owner/CEO of Pure Energy Apothecary (10 min. presentation)
- Q&A with Dawn (after this Dawn and any other entrepreneurs depart) (10-15 min.)
- Investor Feedback (10 min)
- Her Story (Investor): Laury Saligman, Founder of Vernal Ventures and Co-Founder of WIN (5 min)
- Q&A with Laury (10 min)
- Facilitated group discussion (this can blend in to the previous 20 min.)
- What do you need to know to invest in women
- Discussion of Pure Energy (and any others brought by the group)
- Opportunities for future WIN investment activity
- Feedback and Next Steps
The morning is designed to give women a chance to listen to an entrepreneur’s story and an investor’s story then participate in facilitated discussion on what they want to learn/need to know in order to move toward investing in women themselves. It is meant to be a safe and comfortable place to ask questions, get clarification, etc. so we will ask anyone who is currently seeking capital (i.e. Dawn and any other entrepreneurs) and/or is a service provider looking for potential clients to please leave before we move into the discussion segment of the meeting.